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ACS Applied Bio Materials
ACS Applied Bio Materials is an interdisciplinary journal publishing original research covering all aspects of biomaterials and biointerfaces including and beyond the traditional biosensing, biomedical and therapeutic applications.
The journal is devoted to reports of new and original experimental and theoretical research of an applied nature that integrate knowledge in the areas of materials, engineering, physics, bioscience, and chemistry into important bio applications. The journal is specifically interested in work that addresses the relationship between structure and function, and assesses the stability and degradation of materials under relevant environmental and biological conditions. Sample research topics that span the journal’s scope are inorganic, hybrid and organic materials for bio applications including antibacterial/antimicrobial and anticancer materials, biofouling and antifouling materials, biomolecular imaging/sensing materials, biomimetic materials, self-healing materials, bio-assembly materials, sustainable biomaterials, as well as novel approaches to synthesis of new and existing materials for drug delivery/targeting, photodynamic/photothermal therapy. Descriptions of the design and development of materials and devices that enable more rapid advancement of new bio applications in areas such as bioenergy, biocatalysis, bioaerosols, bioelectronics, environment, and water safety are encouraged.