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Acta Geotechnica
“Acta Geotechnica” is an international journal devoted to the publication and dissemination of basic and applied research in geoengineering – an interdisciplinary field dealing with geomaterials (soils and rocks). Emphasis is placed on the interplay between the geomechanical models and their engineering applications. The journal welcomes original research papers on the fundamental concepts in geomechanics and their novel applications in geoengineering based on experimental, analytical and/or numerical approaches. In addition to the scientific merit, the contributions for publication are selected for their application potential in geoengineering leading to reliable prediction and rational and sustainable design. The main purpose of the journal is to foster deep understanding of the fundamental mechanisms behind the phenomena and processes in geomaterials, from kilometer-scale problems as they occur in geoscience, to a much finer scale up to and including the nano-scale, as well as their potential impact to geoengineering. The journal intends to capture and archive the advancement in the field of geoengineering in a timely manner and in one place.