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Archivaria is devoted to the scholarly investigation of archives in Canada and internationally. The archival discipline is dedicated to the appraisal, preservation and on-going accessibility of records of enduring value. In support of these objectives, archival research draws on related fields such as history, information science, political science, sociology, law, cultural anthropology, art history, geography, communication and media studies.
Archival thinkers, both practitioners and academics, publish in and read Archivaria as a central English-language forum for scholarly communication in the domain of archives. Archivaria is the most authoritative journal in its field in Canada and is recognized in the archival profession worldwide as a leading journal.
Articles appearing in Archivaria are abstracted and indexed in Scopus, LISA: Library & Information Science Abstracts, Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA), and Library Literature & Information Science Full Text (H.W. Wilson) among other indexes.