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- Call for Papers
Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice
Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice presents cutting-edge developments in the science and practice of clinical psychology and related mental health fields by publishing scholarly articles, primarily involving narrative and systematic reviews as well as meta-analyses related to assessment, intervention, and service delivery. The journal also publishes invited Commentaries that provide additional perspectives regarding the topics of such reviews. It is the official publication of APA Division 12, the Society of Clinical Psychology. The journal publishes papers from all theoretical perspectives in clinical psychology and considers all methods and approaches to research. Manuscripts covering theory, psychopathology, assessment, psychotherapy, process research, outcome research, professional issues, service delivery, education and training, related ethical issues, and similar topics are appropriate for the Journal. Occasionally, empirical papers primarily concerned with broad education and/or clinical research are published, if directly related to the Society’s mission and projects. Theoretical/clinical descriptions without a sound empirical basis are not appropriate for the journal. Manuscripts are expected to end with a clear summary of what is known on the topic, as well as a section on the concrete and practical application of that knowledge in clinical practice. The Journal is always seeking suggestions for special issues or sections that contain articles related to a similar topic.