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Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology aims to cover all the latest and outstanding developments in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. Each issue of the journal includes timely in-depth/mini reviews, original research articles and letters written by leaders in the field, covering a range of current topics in scientific areas of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. Invited and unsolicited review articles are welcome. The journal encourages contributions describing research at the interface of drug discovery and pharmacological applications, involving in vitro investigations and pre-clinical or clinical studies. Scientific areas within the scope of the journal include pharmaceutical chemistry, biochemistry and genetics, molecular and cellular biology, and polymer and materials sciences as they relate to pharmaceutical science and biotechnology. In addition, the journal also considers comprehensive studies and research advances pertaining food chemistry with pharmaceutical implication. Areas of interest include:
DNA/protein engineering and processing
Synthetic biotechnology
Omics (genomics, proteomics, metabolomics and systems biology)
Therapeutic biotechnology (gene therapy, peptide inhibitors, enzymes)
Drug delivery and targeting
Molecular pharmaceutics and molecular pharmacology
Analytical biotechnology (biosensing, advanced technology for detection of bioanalytes)
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
Applied Microbiology
Bioinformatics (computational biopharmaceutics and modeling)
Environmental biotechnology
Regenerative medicine (stem cells, tissue engineering and biomaterials)
Translational immunology (cell therapies, antibody engineering, xenotransplantation)
Industrial bioprocesses for drug production and development
Biotech ethics.