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Developmental Cell
Developmental Cell, launched in 2001, is a broad-interest journal covering the areas of cell biology and developmental biology. In addition to publishing work spanning all areas of cell biology and developmental biology, we have particular interest in how these fields interface with each other and with other disciplines in biology. The journal aims to showcase work that examines, through a cell biological lens, the fundamentals of how a cell works, how cells interact with one another and with the environment, how cells come together to form a tissue, organ, and ultimately a whole organism, and what happens when any of these processes go awry.
Developmental Cell will consider papers in any area of cell biology or developmental biology, as well as at the interface either of these fields make to any other areas in biology. Examples of these include signaling, cell proliferation, polarity, cell migration, cell lineage and fate specification, chromatin regulation and function, cancer cell biology, evo-devo, disease etiology, membrane traffic, metabolic regulation, morphogenesis and biomechanics, organ development, ncRNAs, stem cell biology, and regeneration. We are also interested in studies building on large datasets or developing new tools that could be good fits for our Resource or Technology formats. The primary criterion for publication in Developmental Cell, as for all Cell Press journals, is new biological insight. We are happy to consider any study that leads to important new conclusions about biological function.