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- Call for Papers
Discourse Processes
Discourse Processes is a multidisciplinary journal providing a forum for cross-fertilization of ideas from diverse disciplines sharing a common interest in discourse–prose comprehension and recall, dialogue analysis, text grammar construction, computer simulation of natural language, cross-cultural comparisons of communicative competence, or related topics. The problems posed by multisentence contexts and the methods required to investigate them, although not always unique to discourse, are sufficiently distinct so as to require an organized mode of scientific interaction made possible through the journal.
The journal accepts original experimental or theoretical papers that substantially advance understanding of the structure and function of discourse. Scholars working in the discourse areas from the perspective of psychology, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, discourse psychology, text linguistics, discursive psychology, ethnomethodology, conversation analysis, education, philosophy of language, computer science, and related subareas are invited to contribute.