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Dynamic Relationships Management Journal
The Dynamic Relationships Management Journal is an international, double blind peer-reviewed bi-annual publication of academics’ and practitioners’ research analyses and perspectives on relationships management and organizational themes and topics. The focus of the journal is on management, organization, corporate governance and neighbouring areas (including, but not limited to, organizational behavior, human resource management, sociology, organizational psychology, industrial economics etc.) and within them above all on the establishment, development, maintenance and improvement of dynamic relationships, connections, interactions, patterns of behaviour, structures and networks in social entities like firms, non-profit institutions and public administration units within and beyond individual entity boundaries. Thus, the main emphasis is on formal and informal relationships, structures and processes within and across individual, group and organizational levels.
DRMJ articles test, extend, or build theory and contribute to management and organizational practice using a variety of empirical methods (e.g., quantitative, qualitative, field, laboratory, meta-analytic, and combination). Articles format should include, but are not restricted to, traditional academic research articles, case studies, literature reviews, methodological advances, approaches to teaching, learning and management development, and interviews with prominent executives and scholars.