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Education et Societes
The purpose of Éducation et Sociétés, an international journal in sociology of education, is to create a forum to express, examine, and collect research in the field of the sociology of education in France, and to create dialogue with research in other languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, etc.
The journal is supported by a consortium of Francophone institutions that contribute to the Association Internationale des Sociologues de Langue Française’s “Education, Training, Socialization” Committee. This consortium relies on the support of the French Institute of Education (IFE), which is part of the ENS de Lyon. The journal is published biannually and alternates between re-examinations of conventional issues (inequalities in education, careers in teaching and teacher training, levels of governance, etc.) and the exploration of new horizons (the sociology of childhood, new educational orientations, the diversification of the forms of justice in education, etc.).