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- Call for Papers
Engineering Geology
Engineering Geology is an international interdisciplinary journal bridging the fields of the earth sciences and engineering, particularly geological and geotechnical engineering. The focus of the journal is on geological or engineering studies that are of interest to engineering geologists, whether their initial training is in geology or civil/mining engineering. The studies published in this journal must show relevance to engineering, environmental concerns, and safety.
Sample topics of interest include but are not limited to applied geomorphology and structural geology, applied geophysics and geochemistry, environmental geology and hydrogeology, land use planning, natural hazards, remote sensing techniques, soil and rock mechanics and applied geotechnical engineering.
Paper types considered are original research articles, case histories, and comprehensive reviews. Case studies, in particular, should emphasize why the paper is of interest to the international readership of this journal, and/or what new or novel research or theoretical methods are being presented.
The journal is intended for academic scientists, industry and applied researchers, and policy and decision makers.