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- Call for Papers
Fiscal Studies
Fiscal Studies is a forum for original contributions in public economics. Its goal is to promote the rigorous discussion of public policy and contribute to informing policymaking and its public debate. To that end, the journal publishes articles studying the behaviour of individuals and firms, their responses to public policy and the wider effects of government action on the economy, with emphasis on the application of microeconomic insights and empirical methods. Articles are presented in a clear and accessible format designed to appeal to a broad international readership of academics, policymakers and practitioners.
We encourage submissions from individuals not associated with the Institute, particularly from academic economists working on applied problems whose results have topical policy application. Fiscal Studies has always promoted the dissemination of quality research in a form understandable to a wide audience, and we intend to strengthen this tradition. To maintain the topicality of the journal, submissions will be refereed quickly.