- Agricultural-Biological Sciences
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- Biochemistry, Genetics, Molecular Biology
- Business Management Accounting
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- Chemistry
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- Earth & Planetary Sciences
- Economics, Econometrics, Finance
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- Engineering
- Environmental Science
- Immunology & Microbiology
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- Pharmacology. Toxicology. Pharmaceutics.
- Physics and Astronomy
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- Call for Papers
Fizyoterapi Rehabilitasyon
Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation is intended to health professionals and researchers. Therefore, besides the medical issues related with physiotherapy and rehabilitation (orthopedics, neurology, rheumatology, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, cardiopulmonary, etc.), it covers a wide range of topics such as ergotherapy, social services, health management, ergonomics, biomedical and rehabilitation engineering, functional limitation and disability. The journal welcomes manuscripts from the above-mentioned disciplines and topics.
Missions of the Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Editorial Board with all its structures are:
-To maintain the compatibility of the journal with international scientific standards-
To carry out necessary studies for continuing to be cited in current national and international indexes,-
Distributing the submitted manuscripts to the internationally respected referees and to follow up the editorial process according to journal policies.-
To guide the authors during these processes.