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French Review, The
The FRENCH REVIEW is the official journal of the American Association of Teachers of French (AATF) and has the largest circulation of any scholarly journal of French and Francophone studies in the world.
The French Review is published four times a year (October, December, March, and May). Every year, we publish (in English and French) approximately 50 articles and 300 reviews on French and Francophone literature, cinema, culture, linguistics, and pedagogy.
Annual review articles:
October issue: Le roman (William Cloonan); L’année poétique (John C. Stout); Le bloc-notes culturel (Matthieu Dalle).
December issue: Actualité de l’Éducation en France (Marie-Christine Weidmann Koop).
March issue: Bilan cinématographique (Nathalie Degroult et Marie-Magdeleine Chirol).
In May, every other year, a special issue is devoted to such topics as: Martinique et Guadeloupe, Québec, Francophone cinema, Belgique, Pedagogy, Francophonie(s), France-Algérie, Les Lumières, Professional Issues, Présences feminines, etc.