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Is one of the four Romanian medical journals on obstetrics and gynecology and one of the several specialized journals that enjoy international recognition. Its publication is dedicated to health professionals, with national and international coverage which specifically addresses to gynecologists and specialists in the related medical fields: obstetrics, gynecology, maternal/fetal medicine, gynecologic-urology, gynecologic-oncology, infertility, neonatology, endocrinology-gynecology, genetics, molecular biology and gynecologic ultra-sounds. Gineco.eu Journal is a peer review journal, accredited by the Romanian College of Physicians, subscribers receiving 5 points of Continuing Medical Education. The journal reflects a full range of scientific contributions regarding several different scientific disciplines related to obstetrics and gynecology sciences. All published manuscript represent the opinion of the authors and do not necessary represent the official policy of the publisher or the institution with which the authors are affiliated, unless clearly specified.