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- Call for Papers
Global Qualitative Nursing Research
Global Qualitative Nursing Research (GQNR) is a ground breaking, international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal focusing on qualitative research in fields relevant to nursing world-wide. The journal specializes in topics related to nursing practice, responses to health, illness, and disability, health promotion, healthcare delivery, and global issues that affect nursing and healthcare. GQNR also welcomes qualitative studies pertinent to nursing that advance knowledge of diversity and systemic biases (e.g., racism), including the intersection of multiple oppressions and social identities, that shape experiences of health and illness, nursing and healthcare, and their implications for health equity. The journal provides a forum for sharing qualitative research from around the world that has international relevance for nursing.
GQNR will publish research articles using qualitative methods and qualitatively-driven mixed-method designs as well as meta-syntheses and articles focused on methodological development. Special sections include Ethics, Methodological Development, Advancing Theory/Metasynthesis, Establishing Evidence, and Application to Practice.