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- Call for Papers
Hydrology Research
Hydrology Research is an international, peer-reviewed journal publishing articles providing a distinct, novel contribution to the science of hydrology and water management, including:
-surface and groundwater hydrology, including physical, chemical, biological, and ecological aspects,
-hydrological processes, hydrological extremes and the impact of anthropogenic change on hydrological systems
-methodological innovation regarding hydrological observations, data analysis, modelling and management
-hydrological analysis for the design, operation and management of engineered and natural water systems, and associated structures
-insightful analysis and new approaches to linking hydrology with the social, economic and legal aspects of water resource management
-innovative, integrated and holistic aspects of the water-energy-food nexus
We will only consider articles that comply with our Instructions for Authors, and they must offer a distinct, novel contribution to the research literature. This might be a methodological innovation, a contribution to theory, improved understanding of processes or principles, or insightful analysis which reveals gaps in our understanding, policies or practice of hydrology and water resource management. Research papers should clearly outline an existing knowledge gap and articulate how the findings address this deficit, including the practical implications for water resources management and the science of hydrology.
Hydrology Research is published six times a year, in February, April, June, August, October and December.