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International Journal of Cyber Criminology
International Journal of Cyber Criminology (IJCC) is a peer reviewed online (open access) interdisciplinary journal published biannually and devoted to the study of cyber crime, cyber criminal behavior, cyber victims, cyber laws and cyber policy. IJCC is an unique Diamond open access, not for profit international journal, where the author(s) need not pay article processing charges / page charges and it is totally free for both the authors and the audience. IJCC will focus on all aspects of cyber/computer crime: Forms of Cyber Crime, Impact of cyber crimes in the real world, Policing Cyber space, International Perspectives of Cyber Crime, Developing cyber safety policy, Cyber Victims, Cyber Psychopathology, Geographical aspects of Cyber crime, Cyber offender behavior, cyber crime law, Cyber Pornography, Privacy & Anonymity on the Net, Internet Fraud and Identity Theft, Mobile Phone Safety, Human Factor of Cyber Crime and Cyber Security and Policy issues, Online Gambling, Copyright and Intellectual property Law. As the discipline of Cyber Criminology approaches the future, facing the dire need to document the literature in this rapidly changing area has become more important than ever before. The IJCC will be a nodal centre to develop and disseminate the knowledge of cyber crimes primarily from a social science perspective to the academic and lay world. The journal publishes theoretical, methodological, and applied papers, as well as book reviews. We do not publish highly technical cyber forensics / digital forensics papers and papers of descriptive / overview nature.