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Japanese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
The Japanese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics(the Journal)is a journal published by the Japanese Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics(the Society). The Journal publishes papers on all aspects of interdisciplinary research concerning human pharmacological treatment, with the goal of contributing to the advancement of the fields of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics not only within Japan but globally. The areas of study from which the Journal awaits submission of original papers are as follows:clinical studies concerning the development of new medicines or treatments intended for human use and the ethics thereof;translational research;research on individualized pharmacological treatment including pharmacogenomics;research on interactions with medicine, environmental factors, and nutrition relating to variability in drug responses;pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics research;pharmacometrics research;pharmacoepidemiology research;research on medical economics relating to pharmacological treatment;regulatory science research;topics of the education of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics;and any other related topic that authors consider to be within the purpose and goal of the Journal. The target audience for the Journal comprises medical doctors, pharmacists, nurses, clinical research coordinators(CRCs), and others involved in pharmacological therapy, who are members of the Society. Moreover, the Journal offers a platform for vigorous discussion of political issues of medicines and review articles related to the above fields.