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Journal of Addictive Diseases
An essential, comprehensive resource covering the full range of addictions research. Journal of Addictive Diseases provides original research on the vital issues and the clinical skills necessary to ensure effective practice. The latest research, treatments, and public policy issues in addiction medicine are presented in a fully integrated, multi-specialty perspective. Top researchers and respected leaders in addiction issues share their knowledge and insights on the most important research and practical applications.
The Journal of Addictive Diseases provides original research and reviews of the latest relevant findings in etiology, epidemiology, and clinical care. The journal is known for its scholarly commitment to the field, and reflects the highest standards of investigation, clinical practice, medical education, and evaluation of patient care. The journal presents the material from diverse aspects of the field: basic science, clinical aspects, self-help programs and philosophy, medical training issues, treatment outcome, and treatment evaluation perspectives, to provide the reader with valuable information from a wide range of disciplines.