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- Call for Papers
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
The Journal of Environmental Economics and Management publishes theoretical and empirical papers devoted to specific natural resource and environmental issues. To warrant publication in JEEM papers should address new empirical findings that are of interest to a broader audience, theoretical analyses explaining new phenomena or puzzles, or development of theoretical or empirical methods likely being useful for further research.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
• Analysis of environmental policy
• Further development of valuation techniques and novel applications of valuation techniques to new data sets
• Study of environmental behavior and responses to regulation
• Analyses of exhaustible, renewable and non-renewable, resources and resource policy, notably the economics of fisheries, forestry and fossil fuels
• Analyses of the carbon cycle, accumulating pollutants, such as greenhouse gases
• Environmental problems in developing countries, such as degradation of natural resources and health problems caused by pollution
• Topics of energy economics related to the environment
• Topics of agricultural economics related to the environment.