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- Call for Papers
Journal of Fungi
Journal of Fungi (ISSN 2309-608X) is an international, peer-reviewed scientific open access journal that provides an advanced forum for studies related to pathogenic fungi, fungal biology, and all other aspects of fungal research. The journal publishes reviews, regular research papers, and communications in quarterly issues. Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical results in as much detail as possible. Therefore, there is no restriction on paper length. Full experimental details must be provided so that the results can be reproduced.
Especially welcome are:
manuscripts regarding research proposals and ideas.
electronic files or software containing full details of calculations and experimental procedure; if these cannot be published via conventional media, they can be deposited as supplementary material.
manuscripts containing summaries and surveys on research cooperation; actual and future projects (e.g., those founded by national governments or others) are also appreciated, as they provide interesting information for a broad field of users.
Pathogenic Fungi
Medical Mycology, Medicinal Fungi
Fungi and Health, Fungi and Dermatitis
Parasitic Fungi
Fungal Molecular Phylogeny
Fungi and Plants, Soil Fungi
Fungal Toxicology
Fungal Genetics and Evolution
Fungal Biology, Diversity and Ecology
Fungal Applied Technology.