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Journal of Management History
Journal of Management History (JMH) is an interdisciplinary journal, publishing rigorous, high-quality research using diverse methodologies and theoretical approaches. We nevertheless hold to the view that carefully formulated empirical, historical evidence is a precondition for disciplinary advancement; and also that utilisation of the scientific method, based around the testing of theses, drawn from our existing knowledge and contributing to that knowledge, is the methodological bedrock of our discipline. Management history research should also draw on relevant theoretical frameworks and provide conclusions that extend and develop these frameworks. Papers should expound a clear methodology, including any possible limitations, and show a developed sense of historical context.
As a management history journal, JMH is interested in papers that consider issues dealing with business, management and organizations, broadly defined. JMH is dedicated to the publication of papers with a clear historical dimension. Such issues include, but are not restricted to:
organizational behaviour
labor relations
institutional histories and case studies
industry histories
the role of gender
race and ethnicity in shaping patterns of work
managerial organization
cultural studies with an historic dimensions
impact of managerial organization on communities
developments and changes in managerial ideas
practices and theoretical frameworks
the impact of demographic and economic changes on management.
As an international journal, JMH aims to bring together the leading research from across the globe. It is particularly interested in research from scholars located outside the Anglosphere and work that highlights national peculiarities and similarities. Nationally-embedded research nevertheless should show clear appreciation of the wider management history literature and be able to contribute to that literature.