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Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy
Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy is dedicated to presenting top-level academic achievements in the fields of modern power systems and clean energy by international researchers and engineers, and is endeavoured to serve as a bridge between Chinese and global researchers in the power industry. MPCE has an international authorship and a broad scope in modern power systems including, but are not limited to:
• Renewable power generation and clean energy technologies
• Distributed energy resources and storage
• Modern power system operation and planning
• Power system protection and automation in energy management systems
• Power system economics and markets
• Transmission technologies in modern power systems
• Active distribution networks and microgrid applications
• Modern power grid devices, sensors and wireless technologies
• Load management and customer participation
• Electric vehicles and electrification of transportation industry
• Cyber-physical systems and power system communication technologies
• Interdependency of electricity with other large Infrastructures
• Power system modeling and computational analyses