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Journal of Monetary Economics
The Journal of Monetary Economics publishes important research contributions to a wide range of modern macroeconomic topics including work along empirical, methodological and theoretical lines. In recent years, these topics have been: asset pricing; banking, credit and financial markets; behavioral macroeconomics; business cycle analysis; consumption, labor supply, and saving; dynamic equilibria (theory and computational methods); economic growth and development; expectation formation, information and aggregate economic activity; fiscal shocks and fiscal policies; expectation formation; forecasting, macroeconometrics, and time series analysis; information and aggregate economic activity; international trade, exchange rates, and open economy macroeconomics; labor markets ; macroeconomic data and history; monetary policy; monetary theory; money demand and money supply behavior; optimal contracting and economic activity; productivity measurement and theory; pricing in product markets and labor markets; and real investment (inventories, fixed, human capital). The Journal of Monetary Economics has eight regular issues per year, with the Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy as the January and July issues.