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- Call for Papers
Journal of Moral Education
The Journal of Moral Education (a Charitable Company Limited by Guarantee) provides a unique interdisciplinary forum for the discussion and analysis of moral education and development throughout the lifespan. The journal encourages submissions across the human sciences and humanities that use a range of methodological approaches and address aspects of moral reasoning, moral emotions, motivation and moral action in various contexts (e.g., cultural, gender, family, schooling, community, leisure, work) and roles (e.g., parent, teacher, student, civic, professional). The journal encourages proposals for special issues that address a topic relevant to these aims and scope.
We encourage submissions including but not exclusively related to:
Anthropology of morality; Anti-racist education; Child studies; Citizenship education; Cognitive development; Conflict studies; Critical theory; Diversity studies; Emotional development; Epistemology; Ethics; Family, studies; Gender studies; Interculturalism; International education; Leadership studies; Moral development; Moral psychology; Multiculturalism; Peace studies; Positive youth development; Professional ethics; Service learning; Social development; Social justice; Socioemotional development; Sociology of morality; Values education; Youth studies
The journal does not normally publish papers that have no educational or developmental component to them.