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- Call for Papers
Journal of Prosthodontic Research
Journal of Prosthodontic Research is published 4 times annually, in January, April, July, and October, under supervision by the Editorial Board of Japan Prosthodontic Society, which selects all materials submitted for publication.
Journal of Prosthodontic Research originated as an official journal of Japan Prosthodontic Society. It has recently developed a long-range plan to become the most prestigious Asian journal of dental research regarding all aspects of oral and occlusal rehabilitation, fixed/removable prosthodontics, oral implantology and applied oral biology and physiology. The Journal will cover all diagnostic and clinical management aspects necessary to reestablish subjective and objective harmonious oral aesthetics and function.
The most-targeted topics:
1) Clinical Epidemiology and Prosthodontics
2) Fixed/Removable Prosthodontics
3) Oral Implantology
4) Prosthodontics-Related Biosciences (Regenerative Medicine, Bone Biology, Mechanobiology, Microbiology/Immunology)
5) Oral Physiology and Biomechanics (Masticating and Swallowing Function, Parafunction, e.g., bruxism)
6) Orofacial Pain and Temporomandibular Disorders (TMDs)
7) Adhesive Dentistry / Dental Materials / Aesthetic Dentistry
8) Maxillofacial Prosthodontics and Dysphagia Rehabilitation
9) Digital Dentistry
Prosthodontic treatment may become necessary as a result of developmental or acquired disturbances in the orofacial region, of orofacial trauma, or of a variety of dental and oral diseases and orofacial pain conditions.
Reviews, Original articles, technical procedure and case reports can be submitted. Letters to the Editor commenting on papers or any aspect of Journal of Prosthodontic Research are welcomed.