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Journal of Psychosocial Oncology
Here is your single source of integrated information on providing the best psychosocial care possible from the knowledge available from many disciplines. The Journal of Psychosocial Oncology is an essential source for up-to-date clinical and research material geared toward health professionals who provide psychosocial services to cancer patients, their families, and their caregivers. The journal—the first interdisciplinary resource of its kind—is in its third decade of examining exploratory and hypothesis testing and presenting program evaluation research on critical areas, including: the stigma of cancer; employment and personal problems facing cancer patients; patient education; family involvement in patient care; children with cancer; the psychosocial needs of cancer patients; hospital and hospice staff; and volunteers.
The journal’s editorial board represents many different fields in psychosocial oncology, including education, epidemiology, health advocacy, medical oncology, neurology, nursing, nutrition, pastoral counseling, physical therapy, psychiatry, psychology, public health, social work, sociology, and surgical oncology. Regular features of the Journal of Psychosocial Oncology include: discussions of current ethical, philosophical, and existential issues; columns on research issues, strategies, and methodologies; announcements of current meetings, symposia, and courses being offered; book reviews that highlight important, new book-length works; selective bibliographies of articles that appear in other journals.