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Journal of Social Sciences: Transformations & Transitions (JOSSTT)
Journal of Social Sciences: Transformations & Transitions (JOSSTT) is an open access, international, double-blind, and peer-reviewed journal by ERUDITUS® with quick-refereeing and continuous online publishing.
The journal has focus on global transformations in the field of social sciences with the consequent national and regional transitions in response to such changes. Emphasis is on research papers contributing to the systematic knowledge important substantive, theoretical, or methodological questions, as well as applied empirical and analytical studies.
international relations law social psycology social sciences sociology
Journal Features
Open Access
Translation (per word)
This Service includes translation into English from different languages, including, but not limited to, Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Greek, Italian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and others.
Translated papers include English editing performed by natives.
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