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- Call for Papers
Journal of Sustainable Mining
Journal of Sustainable Mining is dedicated to the core problems of contemporary mining, for which issues related to sustainable development pose a great challenge nowadays. The mission of this journal is to promote and spread knowledge not only concerning the concept of sustainable development in mining, but most of all, specialist knowledge based on international research findings as well as technological solutions and methods, in which this vital concept is discussed and implemented.
Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish the findings of their experimental and theoretical research related to the challenges of more complex extraction conditions, e.g. great depths, natural hazards, environmental restrictions, which all increase the production costs. The studies concerning the issues related to the novel approach towards the mining sector and the development of environment friendly, clean technologies of minerals extraction and processing are also welcome. In this respect, much attention is given to the development of Clean Coal Technologies addressing also the increasing demand for energy resources and the challenges concerning the emission limits in the mining and energy sector. Therefore, the papers related to the application of the innovative Clean Coal Technologies, like coal gasification in surface and underground reactors, co-gasification of coal with biomass and waste materials, highly efficient combustion, hydrogenation, polygeneration as well as novel catalysts and thermodynamic aspects of thermochemical conversion of solid fuels are also welcome.