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Journal of Transportation Safety and Security
Prior to the inception of the Journal of Transportation Safety & Security (JTSS), there were limited outlets for publishing research in the areas of comprehensive transportation safety or transportation security. JTSS fills that gap by emphasizing safety issues of multimodal transportation, including highway, transit, ride-sharing, pedestrian and bicycle modes as well as rail, water and aviation. The journal’s aim is to disseminate advanced research results and engineering experience to educators, researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to enhance transportation safety with comprehensive and integrated solutions.
JTSS provides a discussion forum for the exchange of academic ideas, data, and integrated transportation safety solutions developed through engineering research in multimodal transportation safety arenas. The journal is supported and directed by an international editorial board of renowned experts in all modes transportation safety.
Relevant topics include comprehensive transportation safety aspects of
Infrastructure design,
Driver behavior and human factors,
Traffic control and traffic operations,
Crash data collection and analyses,
Safety information and communication systems,
Advanced and emerging vehicle and network technologies,
Safety policy and planning,
Security issues of transportation systems and networks,
Emergency and incident planning and response