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Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
The Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology publishes original contributions on all aspects of vertebrate paleobiology, including vertebrate origins, evolution, functional morphology, taxonomy, biostratigraphy, phylogenetics, paleoecology, paleobiogeography, and paleoanthropology. JVP publishes high quality peer-reviewed original articles, occasional reviews, and interdisciplinary papers. It is international in scope, and emphasizes both specimen- and field-based based research and the use of high-quality illustrations. Priority is given to articles dealing with topics of broad interest to the entire vertebrate paleontology community and to high-impact specialist studies. Articles dealing with narrower topics, including notes on taxonomic name changes (unless these deal with errors published in JVP), preliminary site reports, and documentation of new specimens of well-known taxa, are afforded lower priority.