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Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
The aim of Korean Journal of Veterinary Research (Korean J Vet Res) is promotion of animal health and welfare by disseminating new knowledge, techniques, and regulation to readers for the enhancement of understanding and application of veterinary science.
The Korean Journal of Veterinary Research (Korean J Vet Res) is an international peer-reviewed journal dedicated to providing to the advancement and dissemination of scientific knowledge concerning veterinary sciences and related academic disciplines. It is an international journal indexed in the SCOPUS, AGRIS, Animal Breeding Abstracts, Animal Production Database, Animal Science Database, CAB Abstracts, CAB Abstracts Archive, CAB Direct, Dairy Science Abstracts, Global Health, Index Veterinarius, KCI, Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews Series B: Livestock Feeds and Feeding, Pig News and Information, Poultry Abstracts, Protozoological Abstracts, Review of Medical and Veterinary Entomology, Review of Medical and Veterinary Mycology, Veterinary Bulletin, VetMed Resource, and Veterinary Science Database.
This journal is published four times per year (March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31) in English or Korean by the Korean Society of Veterinary Science (KSVS) being distributed worldwide by the Korean Society of Veterinary Science. It was launched in 1961. Copyright is reserved by the Society. No responsibility is assumed by the Society for statements and opinions expressed by the contributors to the journal. It covers all the scientific and technological aspects of veterinary sciences in general, anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, microbiology, pathology, public health, parasitology, infectious diseases, clinical sciences and alternative biomedical and veterinary educational fields.