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- Call for Papers
Learning Organization
TLO aims to contribute to the development of high quality research, new insights and challenges to current thinking around the learning organization/organizational learning and provide a platform for research that enhances organizational productivity and/or knowledge development. The journal invites conceptual papers alongside empirical research irrespective of whether a qualitative or quantitative approach is used. We would also like to encourage manuscripts that approach the learning organization/organizational learning from an interpretive or critical approach. However, it is key to the ethos of the journal that all manuscripts include some organizational aspect to ‘learning’, ‘knowing’ or ‘knowledge creation’.
Unique to The Learning Organization is the ‘Implications for Practitioners’ section which summarizes the academic debate in the field in an easy-to-digest format for its practitioner audience while offering academic contributors an effective route to demonstrate that their research and theory has real world impact.
Subject areas include, but are not limited to:
•Broadening understanding of what the learning organization/organizational learning is
•Evaluating concepts of the learning organization/organizational learning
•Can all organizations learn?
•What organizations can and cannot learn
•The path from organization to learning organization
•Is the learning organization/organizational learning universally applicable?
•The relevance of the learning organization/organizational learning within different sectors and industries
•Comparative applications of the learning organization/organizational learning in different global contexts and environments
•Studying and measuring the learning organization/organizational learning
•Who is the learning organization/organizational learning for?
•The effectiveness of the learning organization/organizational learning initiatives.