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Nature Reviews Chemistry
Nature Reviews Chemistry aims to cover both the traditional core subjects of the field — organic, inorganic, physical and analytical chemistry — while also providing insight to non-specialists where chemistry is a significant component of interdisciplinary research. These topics may include but are not limited to: chemical biology, chemical physics, materials science and nanotechnology. The journal also aims to bring to the attention of its readers topics beyond academic research with particular focus on chemistry education and research outside the academic environment.
Reviews and Perspectives are commissioned by the editorial team.
Research areas covered in the journal include (but are not necessarily limited to):
Analytical chemistry,
Chemical biology,
Chemistry education,
Environmental chemistry,
Green chemistry,
Industrial chemistry,
Inorganic chemistry,
Laboratory safety,
Materials chemistry,
Medicinal chemistry,
Organic chemistry,
Organometallic chemistry,
Physical chemistry,
Polymer chemistry,
Supramolecular chemistry,
Surface chemistry,
Theoretical chemistry,
Nature Reviews Chemistry.