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Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal ® (PRJ) is a quarterly journal publishing original, peer-reviewed scholarly work that advances the evidence for and understanding of psychosocial treatment and recovery of people with psychiatric disabilities, consistent with the principles and values of psychiatric rehabilitation and person-centered care. Manuscripts published in PRJ have implications for the interdisciplinary practice of psychiatric rehabilitation.
PRJ gives priority to impactful research that is directly applicable to the development, administration, and delivery of psychiatric rehabilitation services.
Topics within the purview of PRJ include but are not limited to:
studies of the development, refinement, or evaluation of psychiatric rehabilitation interventions including case studies, open pilot studies, quasi-experimental designs, and randomized controlled trialsresearch exploring relevant domains of functioning or targets of psychiatric rehabilitation interventionresearch on the development or psychometric evaluation of instruments designed to measure constructs relevant to psychiatric rehabilitationresearch on special populations of people with psychiatric disabilities, including disparities in access to servicesimplementation research of psychiatric rehabilitation interventionsresearch that informs the development of person-centered systems that support and broaden psychiatric rehabilitation approachesrigorous theoretical articles that advance the psychiatric rehabilitation field.