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- Call for Papers
Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy
sychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy ® publishes empirical research on the psychological effects of trauma. The journal is intended to be a forum for an interdisciplinary discussion on trauma, blending science, theory, practice, and policy.
The journal publishes empirical research on a wide range of trauma-related topics, including
Psychological treatments and effectsPromotion of education about effects of and treatment for traumaAssessment and diagnosis of traumaPathophysiology of trauma reactionsHealth services (delivery of services to trauma populations)Epidemiological studies and risk factor studiesNeuroimaging studiesTrauma and cultural competence
The journal publishes articles that use experimental and correlational methods and qualitative analyses, if applicable.
All research reports should reflect methodologically rigorous designs that aim to significantly enhance the field’s understanding of trauma. Such reports should be based on good theoretical foundations and integrate theory and data. Manuscripts should be of sufficient length to ensure theoretical and methodological competence.