- Agricultural-Biological Sciences
- Arts & Humanities
- Biochemistry, Genetics, Molecular Biology
- Business Management Accounting
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Decision Sciences
- Earth & Planetary Sciences
- Economics, Econometrics, Finance
- Energy
- Engineering
- Environmental Science
- Immunology & Microbiology
- Materials Science
- Mathematics
- Medicine
- Neuroscience
- Nursing
- Pharmacology. Toxicology. Pharmaceutics.
- Physics and Astronomy
- Psychology
- Social Sciences
- Veterinary
- Dentistry
- Health Professions
- Sports Science
- Military & Naval Sciences
- Multidisciplinary
- Call for Papers
CIRES-IT, e-ISSN 2239-4303, provides a forum for the exchange and sharing of know-how in the areas of Digitalization and Multimedia Technologies and Information & Communication Technology (ICT) in support of Cultural and environmental Heritage (CH) documentation, preservation and fruition. It publishes comprehensive reviews on specific fields, regular research papers and short communications in a timely fashion.
The Journal aim is to encourage scientists to publish their experimental results and theoretical work in a comprehensive way. Restrictions on the length of papers is negotiable with the Editors. There are, in addition, other features that this Journal encourages:
Electronic files regarding the full details of theoretical derivations, detailed experimental results, high-resolution renderings, short video animations and audio/video documentaries can be deposited as supplementary material to support the article.