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- Call for Papers
Structural Health Monitoring
Structural Health Monitoring publishes peer-reviewed papers that contain theoretical, analytical, and experimental investigations that advance the body of knowledge and its application in the discipline of structural health monitoring.
The journal has a broad topical coverage and it serves as a primary reference for the structural health monitoring of aeronautical, mechanical, civil, electrical, and other systems. The multidisciplinary nature of the journal is intended to foster the intersection of different technologies to address the varied needs and applications for structural health monitoring.
Papers are sought that explore the following issues and areas related to structural health monitoring:
self-diagnostics, prognostics, condition-based maintenance and performance
vibration and wave propagation methods for damage assessment
advanced signal processing and interpretation techniques for monitoring and diagnostics
sensor design, self-powered and low power sensors
data mining, data management
the use of smart materials and new sensor materials
monitoring of composite, metallic, new, and aging structures and infrastructure
monitoring of structural repairs
sensor network design, data transmission, wired and wireless communication
embedding technology, sensor/structure integration technology
development of self-repairable structures
monitoring of survivability and readiness assessment
structural integrity and remaining life predictions based on sensor management
design of multifunctional structures and integration of structural health monitoring and control
sensors for high temperature applications, in-situ sensors
monitoring of biomechanical, electromechanical, and thermal systems
fault diagnosis of avionics, propulsion, power, and electronic systems
structural health monitoring system integration and validation, etc.