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- Call for Papers
Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine
Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine, SBiRM, publishes Research Articles, Communications, Applications Notes that include protocols a Clinical Corner that includes case reports, Review Articles and Hypotheses and Letters to the Editor on human and animal reproduction. The journal will highlight the use of systems approaches including genomic, cellular, proteomic, metabolomic, bioinformatic, molecular, and biochemical, to address fundamental questions in reproductive biology, reproductive medicine, and translational research. The journal publishes research involving human and animal gametes, stem cells, developmental biology and toxicology, and clinical care in reproductive medicine. Specific areas of interest to the journal include: male factor infertility and germ cell biology, reproductive technologies (gamete micro-manipulation and cryopreservation, in vitro fertilization/embryo transfer (IVF/ET) and contraception. Research that is directed towards developing new or enhanced technologies for clinical medicine or scientific research in reproduction is of significant interest to the journal.