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- Call for Papers
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science
The Journal seeks to explore the frontiers of ever expanding HFE discipline by focusing on HFE contributions to contemporary society in the context of human interactions with technology, engineering, economics and business, as well as consideration of safety and security, human ecology, sustainability, service systems, urbanization, communication, education, and social and government policies. TIES also promotes a large scale system-of-system perspective of HFE, and discusses its implications for the development of the human-centered global society.
The Journal is proactive in its mission to develop a unique HFE discipline, and seeks to define and promote theories of HFE as distinct and inherently valuable for the global knowledge community, including human factors scientists and safety engineers, ergonomists, industrial designers, industrial engineers, systems engineers, design engineers, cognitive and organizational psychologists, health care professionals, business analysts, and human-computer interaction and user experience specialists and practioners.
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science emphasizes new knowledge, publishing original, high-quality, peer-reviewed papers as well as commissioned reviews and peer-reviewed commentaries. Topics include both qualitative and quantitative methodological frameworks and HFE theories. The Journal presents papers that discuss principles of the investigative process in research, social and historical issues, and science of science perspectives on HFE. Papers that examine the discipline itself, including bibliographical analyses of classic papers, are also published.