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Trends in Neuroscience and Education
Trends in Neuroscience and Education aims to bridge the gap between our increasing basic cognitive and neuroscience understanding of learning and the application of this knowledge in educational settings. It provides a forum for original translational research on using systems neuroscience findings to improve educational outcome, as well as for reviews on basic and applied research relevant to education.
Just as 200 years ago, medicine was little more than a mixture of bits of knowledge, fads and plain quackery without a basic grounding in a scientific understanding of the body, and just as in the middle of the nineteenth century, Hermann von Helmholtz, Ernst Wilhelm von Brücke, Emil Du Bois-Reymond and a few others got together and drew up a scheme for what medicine should be (i.e., applied natural science), we believe that this can be taken as a model for what should happen in the field of education. In many countries, education is merely the field of ideology, even though we know that how children learn is not a question of left or right political orientation.