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Vascular Cell
Vascular Cell represents an open access medical journal which concentrates on publication of a wide range of topics related to the vascular system including neo-vascularization and angiogenesis. Since vascular endothelial cells represent a crucial factor in numerous pathological conditions such as: cancer, stroke, myocardial infarction or atherosclerosis their behavior is of paramount importance for the clinical outcomes of a wide range of patients.
In this context, Vascular Cell selects for publication the best experimental studies as well as clinical trials and case reports. Also, our journal publishes innovative molecular and immunohistochemistry protocols and methods, including quantitative digital pathology studies related to vascular pathways and factors. We are interested in studies describing the molecular mechanisms of vascular development as well as in vivo imaging experiments and clinical trials evaluating mediators interfering with angiogenesis. However, as angiogenesis represents a key player modulating tissue regeneration and 3D biological additive manufacturing, our journal publishes manuscripts reporting innovative research focusing on these topics. On a special note, Vascular Cell will particularly encourage the publication of inter- and trans-disciplinary studies validating concepts or hypotheses related to vascular cells physiopathology.