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Vestnik Transplantologii i Iskusstvennykh Organov
Organ transplantation is one of the most challenging and complex areas of modern medicine, based on a rapid development of innovative technologies in surgery, anesthesiology and intensive care, cardiovascular surgery, immunology, molecular biology, biotechnology, and natural sciences.
Regenerative medicine and the development of artificial and bioartificial organs and systems are the key issues for further progress in transplantation. Cardiology, nephrology, hepatology, endocrinology, and many other medical areas constitute the basis of clinical transplantation. Organization and coordination of organ donation present a serious challenge on a state level requiring cooperation and active work of various health authorities.
The development of clinical transplantation in Russia has led to the formation of a wide network of transplant centers. Hundreds of hearts, kidneys, livers, lungs, and pancreases transplantations perform annually. Improvement of transplant availability for patients and an increased number of professionals involved in the transplantation process are the contemporary realities in the Russian Federation. Thus, the journal aims to serve as a forum for an exchange of research information, clinical expertise, current trends and the recent developments in the field of transplantation and organ donation.