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Water (Switzerland)
The scope of Water encompasses the following research areas:
-Water resources management: water resources systems; monitoring, remediation and protection of water resources; water resources planning; adaptive management; water demand management; national and international water policy; water economics.
-Water governance: institutional arrangements; water law; water rights; property regimes; trans-boundary water issues; water conflict; water politics; water security; history of water resources.
-Hydrology & hydraulics: catchment hydrology; modelling and remote sensing; climate change & land use change impacts; surface-groundwater interactions; soil water; aquifers; river & groundwater flow; peak and low flows; drought; variability & uncertainty.
-Water scarcity: water allocation & use; water recycling and reuse; reservoirs; rainwater harvesting; river basin closure; groundwater depletion; drought management.
-Flood risk: flood modelling; flood impacts; flood risk management; flood protection; flood resilience; flood retention basins; hazard zoning; flood insurance.
-Water quality: physics, chemistry and biology of water; point-source and diffuse water pollution; transport processes; nutrients; pesticides; metals; pharmaceuticals; erosion and sediment transport; hydro-geochemistry and contaminant hydrogeology.
-Water & wastewater treatment: water purification; treatment of domestic and industrial wastewater; water reuse; constructed wetlands; treatment wetlands.
-Urban water management: urban drainage; storm water management; sewerage; local water storage; permeable pavement systems.
Water footprint assessment: water consumption & pollution along supply chains; virtual water trade; international water dependencies; sustainability, equitability and efficiency of water use; corporate water disclosure & stewardship; water risk.
-Water-human development[…]