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- Call for Papers
Women's Studies in Communication
Women’s Studies in Communication ( WSIC ) provides a feminist forum for diverse research, reviews, and commentary addressing the relationships between communication and gender. WSIC invites contributions that advance our understanding of the intersections of gender and race, ethnicity, nationality, ability, sexuality, and class, as well as the articulations between gendered performances, power, and representation in public culture. Topically and methodologically inclusive, WSIC publishes quantitative, qualitative, and critical communication scholarship drawing from a variety of areas including but not limited to interpersonal, organizational, performance, rhetoric, media, and cultural studies. The editor is committed to promoting the best work that falls within these parameters and also to encouraging the development of new voices and new projects that challenge conventions guiding communication scholarship. Feminist studies concerning queer and transgender politics, masculinity, dis/ability, labor, transnationalism, postcolonialism, and critical race theory are especially encouraged at this time.