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Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing
The leading nursing society that has brought you the Journal of Nursing Scholarship is pleased to bring you Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing. Now publishing 6 issues per year, this peer-reviewed journal and top information resource from The Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International, uniquely bridges knowledge and application, taking a global approach in its presentation of research, policy and practice, education and management, and its link to action in real world settings.
Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing is written especially for:
Nurse leaders
Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing is a primary source of information for using evidence-based nursing practice to improve patient care by featuring:
Knowledge synthesis articles with best practice applications and recommendations for linking evidence to action in real world practice, administra-tive, education and policy settings
Original articles and features that present large-scale studies, which challenge and develop the knowledge base about evidence-based practice in nursing and healthcare
Special features and columns with information geared to readers’ diverse roles: clinical practice, education, research, policy and administration/leadership
Commentaries about current evidence-based practice issues and developments
A forum that encourages readers to engage in an ongoing dialogue on critical issues and questions in evidence-based nursing
Reviews of the latest publications and resources on evidence-based nursing and healthcare
News about professional organizations, conferences and other activities around the world related to evidence-based nursing
Links to other global evidence-based nursing resources and organizations.