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Wounds is the most widely read, peer-reviewed journal focusing on wound care and wound research. The information disseminated to our readers includes valuable research and commentaries on tissue repair and regeneration, biology and biochemistry of wound healing, and clinical management of various wound etiologies.
Our multidisciplinary readership consists of dermatologists, general surgeons, plastic surgeons, vascular surgeons, internal medicine/family practitioners, podiatrists, gerontologists, researchers in industry or academia (PhDs), orthopedic surgeons, infectious disease physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants. These practitioners must be well equipped to deal with a myriad of chronic wound conditions affecting their patients including vascular disease, diabetes, obesity, dermatological disorders, and more.
Whether dealing with a traumatic wound, a surgical or non-skin wound, a burn injury, or a diabetic foot ulcer, wound care professionals turn to Wounds for the latest in research and practice in this ever-growing field of medicine.