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Xenobiotica covers seven main areas, including:
General Xenobiochemistry, including in vitro studies concerned with the metabolism, disposition and excretion of drugs, and other xenobiotics, as well as the structure, function and regulation of associated enzymes
Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism, covering the pharmacokinetics and absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of drugs and other xenobiotics in man
Animal Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism, covering the pharmacokinetics, and absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of drugs and other xenobiotics in animals
Pharmacogenetics, defined as the identification and functional characterisation of polymorphic genes that encode xenobiotic metabolising enzymes and transporters that may result in altered enzymatic, cellular and clinical responses to xenobiotics
Molecular Toxicology, concerning the mechanisms of toxicity and the study of toxicology of xenobiotics at the molecular level
Xenobiotic Transporters, concerned with all aspects of the carrier proteins involved in the movement of xenobiotics into and out of cells, and their impact on pharmacokinetic behaviour in animals and man
Topics in Xenobiochemistry, in the form of reviews and commentaries are primarily intended to be a critical analysis of the issue, wherein the author offers opinions on the relevance of data or of a particular experimental approach or methodology.