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Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte, Romanistische Abteilung
The Zeitschrift für Rechtsgeschichte (ZRG, also known as the Savigny Journal) represents an integral part of European legal history research, having made a significant contribution to the current state of the discipline.
Each section publishes a new volume per year which includes an article and a literature section, each complemented by a Chronik and Mitteilungen section.
The Romanistic area of research traditionally represents a key piece of legal history. The contributions deal with the various jurisdictions of the ancient Mediterranean – especially the Sumerian, Greek and Roman jurisdictions – their historical impact on Europe and Asia Minor as well as the reception and discussion of modern legal systems around the world. Analytical contributions apply to single legal entities.
Comparative analyses trace developments. Current reports provide the newest results of excavations and library findings. The section “Dokumente” summarises source editions and translations. The main topics of the current global Romanistic research, new publications, and translations are reflected in the literature section in the form of detailed criticism. Obituaries, chronicle and notification sections are respected expert forums. We have presented the Romanistische Abteilung with a current source index at the end of each volume since 1997.