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Zeitschrift fur Religions- und Geistesgeschichte
The Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte is a peer-reviewed journal and comprises original papers, miscellanea and reviews both in German and English from the crossroads of philosophy, the history of religions, cultural studies, theology, ethnology, European history, the history of art and the history of the sciences. It is not bound to any specific period, field, scholarly method or school but rather to the excellence and the innovative character of texts and ideas. Each issue aims at presenting a mixture of insights from outsiders and newcomers as well as scholarly views and outlooks from insiders along with an extensive book review section.
The Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte has a longstanding tradition and is one of the most outstanding journals in the humanities of the German-speaking world. Today, it is a forum for interdisciplinary research and scholarly dialogue in the fields of religious and intellectual history.